Partner: Kinderschutz Munich
Category: Germany
Buy materials to build a garden shed accessible to wheelchairs Hamburg, Germany
Partner: Hände für Kinder
Van and bicycles youth center Munich, Germany
Partner: Kinderschutz Munich
Funding of a van Lindau, Germany
Partner: Exilio e.V.
Pedal powered bus for disabled children Erlangen, Germany
Partner: Sensi Mobila e.V.
Purchase of learning aids for the Liborius Special school Paderborn, Germany
Partner: Liborius Förderschule
Construction of a pantry house youth care center Unterhaching, Germany
Partner: Kids to Life
Tutoring for students Munich, Germany
Partner: Lichtblick Hasenbergl
Providing breakfast for students in schools in Northwest Bavaria, Germany
Partner: brotZeit e.V.
Funding four commune kitchens Bruckfelden, Germany
Partner: Camphill Schulgemeinschaft